Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Rick Warren Declares "Other Religions Love Jesus"

"We all love Jesus!" is the marked declaration by Pastor Rick Warren that reverberates across  four corners of the room when speaking at an inter-religious conference hosted by the Vatican.

On 17th to 19th of November this year, Pope Francis hosted at the Vatican the Humanum Conference with a theme: An Inter-religious Colloquium on the Complementarity of Man and Woman. The said conference gathered faith leaders from the world's major religions such as Islam, Judaism, Sikh, Hindu, Buddhism, Taoist, Mormons, Southern Baptists led by Russel Moore, and of course the Evangelicals who were proudly represented by the popular and well-loved Pastor Rick Warren.

This endeavor by the Vatican to gather different religious minds and get them to speak to a worldwide audience was aimed at knowing and understanding every faith's stance on marriage and how it can still facilitate unity and respect amid 'little differences' in one another's doctrine. Well, to a natural man that sounds pretty noble and awesome to hear, that is if wisdom is not applied here.

But why in the world is Pastor Rick Warren in attendance and 'representing' the Evangelicals? For starters, Pastor Rick is widely considered as "America's pastor". The man is incredibly famous - his exploits are already sealed in the annals of world history due to his world-renowned peace, unity, understanding, and reaching-out-to-other-religions no-nonsense initiatives that make him constant fixtures in global forums. Given the weight of his resume, Rick Warren understandably was a popular choice to represent Evangelicals or the Bible-believing believers in general.

Since attendance to the said conference is by invitation-only status, his presence did not come as a surprise. To be representing the entire Bible-believing community in the world stage carries as much of a responsibility as well as opportunity to preach Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. It's incumbent of every true Christian to proclaim his faith and what he believes just like an Imam who you would find assertive of his proclamation that Mohammed is the last messenger of Allah - to a captive audience. 

Being in this select group of 'like-minded' faith leaders pursuing a unified goal to 'put definition to and restore the sanctity of marriage', you do not expect Pastor Rick Warren to be in violent disagreement with other faith leaders. The essence of this gathering was to 'solve minor differences' in order to advance the cause of healthy family life. Of course, a seeker of truth finding himself struggling to connect the dots would naturally be in a dilemma when the definition of marriage is being juxtaposed in the contexts of both Muslims and Christians. The former will have nothing against the latter, that's for sure. But will Pastor Rick Warren readily concur to a Mohammedan assertion that a 4-wife limit still falling into a 'sanctified marriage' category? 

Interestingly enough, here's what Pastor Rick Warren had to say in his speech:
"It's great to be with leaders from different streams of Christianity from all over the world. Although we have some differences, we all love Jesus Christ and we all want marriages and families to be healthy and strong."

And there you have it! but the last time we did some fact-checkings:
1. not everyone in attendance belongs to a 'stream of Christianity',
2. I still have to find a Taoist, a Hindu or a Buddhist among others, that love the Lord Jesus Christ,
3. that 'little differences' to Pastor Rick is but 'negligible' compared to the sovereign truth of the gospel,
4. or perhaps Pastor Rick suffers from confusion about his audience?

As if 'America's pastor' has been feeling sick and tired to the perception towards the Christian religion in general that he has had enough, hence self-deprecating by announcing to the world that, "as Christians, we seem to be known more for what is against than what we're for; and I want to change that". Such is the unpopularity of Christians that he is hell-bent to change that in order to blend in for the 'common good'.

Unfortunately for him, we are yet to find Bible verses that states Jesus wanted to be popular so that he made friends with sadducees and pharisees, high-fived with Caiaphas and thumbs-upped those traders at the temple. Jesus did talk to prostitutes to show them the Way to His Father; He ate with sinners to lead them to Himself. But Jesus never did as Rick Warren does:  blending together false religions with Christianity, and never blending the lies with truth. If Pastor Rick believes he ought to be popular, by all means, but Jesus clearly warned His disciples in Luke 21:17 "and you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake". In John 15:18 He also added, " if the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you".

While Jesus made himself clear about the world ultimately hating us Christians because of Him and His message, some famous evangelicals on the other hand are in a frenzy to win approval and admiration from those who do not acknowledge Jesus. Key to this is the safe assumption that every religion strives for man's well being by advocating peace and harmony. This is not the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!

"But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!" ~ (Galatians 1:8,9)

"Jesus said: I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father but by me." (John 14:6)

"He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathers not with me scatters abroad." ~ (Matthew 12:30)

So how can all these false religions agree with Rick Warren's assumption that 'they also love Jesus'? Which Jesus is he referring to?

Here's a very interesting subject central to the conference according to facilitators:
"Religious scholars will examine how this relationship is lived in cultures and societies of Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Taoists, Muslims and Jews.

The focus is on the meaning of marriage around the globe, and God's plan, as understood by religions around the globe.

"God's plan, as understood by religions around the globe." Really? So, when did God's plan become subject to the interpretations of men? Whether or not these faith leaders  have different concept of marriage as opposed to the biblical marriage between a man and woman only, is totally irrelevant. Whether the Catholic's centuries-old doctrine on conventional marriage has evolved and is subject for fresh interpretation to accommodate deviants is totally irrelevant. God's plain command, plain and simple, that was given to men, totally immutable in nature - is one that should matter. What can these false religions say then at the authority of the Bible when they themselves ironically are being dragged under a broad umbrella of those who 'love Jesus Christ'?

Central to the issue of marriage, and central to social ills, is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the true Lord and Savior. And here's what the Bible emphatically decrees: that unless a person has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ, it does not matter how brightly his morals shine, he nevertheless dwells in darkness.

It does not take this conference alone to expose Rick Warren and other false teachers from the evangelical mainstream (there are a lot of them), for the Lord Jesus Christ will always see to it that His true bride is being adequately warned and continued to be sanctified by truth. 

"Why he said, Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light. See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise. Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." ~ Ephesians 5: 14-16

More "James White on Rick Warren's Capitulation to Rome" at Do Not Be Surprised.

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